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It could not be more fitting that UMEK’s explanation for “Flang-O-Matic” is that sometimes the energy is still coursing so strongly through his veins after a gig, he’ll actually go into an already finished track and reimagine the entire thing. One can picture, then, a mind rapid-firing into action, through skilled hands, to sculpt something entirely new at an hour so late that it transcends time and space itself.

Beyond the obvious—that “Flang-O-Matic” is, indeed, the shifting and pulsing of a flanger to breathe tension and dynamic, and at times a lead here—there is a whole subset of ideas at play. A wide and hissing world unfurls, spreading large limbs across the soundscape. A pounding kick with just the right amount of bite hammers through the lunar fogs, dragging vibrant yet chilled rhythms along. The catchy beats hypnotize yet stay in a dark and concrete spectrum. With swells, stabs and bursts, this is tech house for the truly robotic at heart. It will send a wiry tendril into your brain and lead you into its bidding.

Available October 17 via 1605 Music Therapy.

Buy “Flang-O-Matic” here.

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