Here’s What 6 Headliners Look Like When They’re Not at Festivals
We all journey down different paths in our daily lives. Some of us are therapists; others are processing coordinators, sales consultants, or marketing directors, to name a few. When we venture to a festival, however, we remove our costumes and transform into truer versions of ourselves, meeting in a world that allows us to leave all our worries (and boring-ass clothes) behind.
Insomniac celebrates #TransformationTuesday by asking six unique Headliners to discuss their lives in and out of the festival.
Read our full #TransformationTuesday series to meet even more awesome Headliners. And remember: Ravers are everywhere.

Headliner: Blanca G.
Age: 24
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Occupation: Processing coordinator
How long have you been raving? 4 years
If you could have a forest spirit animal, what would it be, and why?
My spirit animal would definitely be an owl. Owls are creatures of the night and are very spiritual animals that find wisdom in silence—like I do. When I find myself in a hard place, I enjoy being alone to reflect on things. Owls also represent Insomniac—a night owl that holds a big place in my heart. EDC and raving have changed my life, and I will always be thankful I found this life.

Headliner: Jed D.
Age: 23
Hometown: Philippines
Occupation: Sales consultant/magician
How long have you been raving? 3 years
If you could have a forest spirit animal, what would it be, and why?
My spirit animal would the fiery hummingbird, which symbolizes the enjoyment of life and lightness of being. I’m always looking to enjoy the sweetness of life, rid negativity wherever it creeps in, and express love more fully in my daily endeavors.

Headliner: Hailey N.
Age: 23
Hometown: Porterville, CA
Occupation: Cake baker and decorator
How long have you been raving? 7 years
If you could have a forest spirit animal, what would it be, and why?
I would choose the caterpillar, because it transforms throughout its life into a more beautiful creature. It is a great metaphor for life, because we are always working on ourselves and striving to be beautiful inside and out. We are all little caterpillars trying to reach our final form of being butterflies!

Headliner: Sabrina S.
Age: 23
Hometown: Fontana, CA
Occupation: Marketing director/designer
How long have you been raving? 7 years
If you could have a forest spirit animal, what would it be, and why?
Mine would be a wolf, because I’m a roamer of the forest and a roamer at heart. I live and get along with the pack, but I also have a unique personality and am not afraid to break away and be myself. I don’t care what people say about me, but I keep an eye out. I’m quiet at times, but I’m also fierce and can hold my own. I’m a wild spirit. I bring the intensity of my passion to everyday life.

Headliner: Courtney V.
Age: 24
Hometown: Fontana, CA
Occupation: Behavioral therapist
How long have you been raving? 4 years
If you could have a forest spirit animal, what would it be, and why?
My spirit animal would be any type of feline! I’m a cat at heart—self-sufficient and independent. I can prowl and pounce, but I can also be a loving kitty.

Headliner: Duke H.
Age: 22
Hometown: Klamath Falls, OR
Occupation: Chef
How long have you been raving? 4 years
If you could have a forest spirit animal, what would it be, and why?
I would have to say the gray wolf, because I have always been attached to the wolf for some weird reason. My first and only SpiritHood is a gray wolf, and it just feels right wearing it.
If you would like the chance to celebrate #TransformationTuesday with Insomniac, please email your best transformation photos to [email protected] by Tuesday, June 19.