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In spirit and tone, Quentyn’s debut solo single “Moving On” earlier this year made it clear he had left Dutch progressive duo Volt & State behind. “Announcing our retirement from Volt & State brought me a sense of freedom I was seeking desperately,” he tells Insomniac. “Although Martijn and I have always remained close friends and discuss music from time to time, being a successful DJ duo together brought some pressure with it.”

His latest single, “Home Tonight,” hints that his newfound freedom may lead to the top of the pop charts. With a little help from vocalist Robin Vane, “Home Tonight” incorporates live instruments and follows a more melodic song format.

“I’m always starting from a melody (made with a simple piano or guitar sound), instead of sound-shaping. For now, I’m exploring the crossover between (progressive) house and band/indie music. It’s more downtempo, more ‘80s-inspired synths, and with less electronic elements.”

The piano chords and pummeling drum rolls of his roots have not been abandoned, however, and they help power the single’s euphoric vibe. As he moves forward, Quentyn promises to “experiment with all sorts of different music genres, whilst staying true to the melody.” On “Home Tonight,” it sounds like he’s on the right track.

Available September 29 via Enroute Records.

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