Bagagee Viphex13

Genre: Techno
Origin: Korea, Republic of
Bagagee Viphex13 he is a techno dj and a producer who usually plays in Korean underground scene and also the head of Davotab Records, director of Bnskrew who also recently earned a title of contents provider. Starting with winning 2nd place in Miller FreshM 2009 with Mind Busters video participated as a music team, he also won a championship in Miller Sound Crash Korea 2014 and 3rd place in the world finals in U.S. Las Vegas. Plus, the team he was in called BNSKREW won the first place in the DJ Crew Battle held in the same year eventually making him earn 4 lables. Thanks to his ample career, he made a Endorsee contract with the world famous DJ gear brand UDG. U.K.’s magazine DJ Mag praised him “Mixing Genius.” He is currently djing all over the world in big and small events, performed in ADE, Millano Expo in 2015, events in Brazil, Canada and so on which were not hosted by club but by the country and he proved once again to be the DJ representing Korea by contracting to perform in official event of Pyungchang Winter Olympics 2018. His mixshow is broadcasted regularly once a month as a resident program on the world prestigious electronic music radio, star on TV occasionally working hard to make his music well-known. In 2015, he starred on program “Headliner” and expressed his musical values.